Typeface Debeli Ligenj (which means Fat Squid) is cooked by the recipe from Typecooker, it is made from 12 ingredients that are listed here. This is what I made for my diploma thesis: Design and production of Typeface with parameters of TypeCooker.
Most of it was made on Typefacedesign Workshop Tipo Brda under the tutorage of mentors prof. Lucijan Bratuš and assist. prof. Domen Fras.
mentor: doc. Domen Fras
Most of it was made on Typefacedesign Workshop Tipo Brda under the tutorage of mentors prof. Lucijan Bratuš and assist. prof. Domen Fras.
mentor: doc. Domen Fras
In Milan in Spazio Galileo I had my own exhibition "Letter Connection" by Tina Jeler, curated by Stefania Lelio
Because I really like this typeface I made some Typographic patterns with it and a Calendar 2016.
Because I really like this typeface I made some Typographic patterns with it and a Calendar 2016.